We are sorry to inform you that we can no longer accept new patients and will be closing the practice soon, or changing the format. We will update this website if and when we open in a different format. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We carry a full line of supplements from leaders in the industry. From Organic Whole Food Supplements to Fish Oil, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals, Meal Replacement Shakes, and Natural Thyroid Hormone, we supply the best. We make top companies compete to get the best price for our patients.

World-class, proven supplements can only be obtained with a medical license. We regularly use fish oil to lower cholesterol as part of a comprehensive program. Occasionally, a patient finds it over-the-counter elsewhere. At the next check, the cholesterol is back up.

We have seen what quality can do. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. Numerous studies prove over-the-counter vitamins don’t always contain what they claim on the bottle.

We have a program for finding nutritional deficiencies using a technique like Applied Kinesiology, called Nutritional Response Testing. We use this for patients who don’t want blood, stool, urine, or saliva testing or have met another patient who improved using this technique. The treatment uses inexpensive Organic Whole Food Supplements individualized for specific problems.

Regardless of your needs, we customize your supplements to meet your wellness goals. You can purchase them through our partner, Fullscript. If you would like to try natural treatments, contact The Maine Functional Medicine at (207) 941-0080.