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You probably see commercials and other advertisements for “Low T,” “PMS,” “Menopausal Symptoms,” and other problems. A lot of these symptoms come from Hormone Imbalances. Mostly, it’s been a female issue because women usually speak up about things that don’t feel right.

Men usually push through and resign to their decreased functioning. Recent studies show that men’s hormones mess up as much as women’s do. Pharmaceutical companies put on the full-court press to include men in commercials.

For Men

The main problem is Low Testosterone. This usually manifests as Fatigue, Irritability, Depression, Loss of Vitality, Increase in Belly Fat, Sluggishness, Loss of Libido, and Erectile Dysfunction. Usually, the last two are what bring men in for help.

When we test hormones, we’re amazed by how low Testosterone is getting, even in young men. The majority of men we test are in the lowest part of the range, while some have none at all. Other common problems for men are High Estrogen and Low DHEA. A blood draw can also test these easily.

For Women

The majority pattern we see includes High Estrogen, Low Testosterone, and Low Progesterone. Women usually complain of Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Mood Changes, Weight Gain, Poor Sleep, Depression, and Anxiety. It usually progresses to Loss of Libido and inability to orgasm in extreme cases.

Also, certain Estrogens like 16-hydroxy Estradiol are being implicated in Breast Cancer. You can decrease the high Estrogen or change it into a more favorable one. For the most part, pharmaceutical companies use Synthetic Artificial Hormones.

Bioidentical Hormones, those mimicking natural ones in our bodies, are cheap. The profit is too low for a large drug company to put resources into. You can’t get a patent on something natural, so pharmaceutical companies have to develop a similar-looking molecule in the lab that is “close to” the real thing that no one else has patented yet.

Some now link to Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, and other problems. We recommend anyone on Hormone Replacement Therapy or additional Hormone Supplementation work with a healthcare provider to obtain Bioidentical Hormones. It’s cheaper and less risky. Natural and Bioidentical Hormones have not been linked to these problems.

Saliva testing is the most accurate. However, urine and blood testing are also available. Each has its advantages. They can be useful in the hands of a provider trained to use that method. Follow-up testing always occurs because hormones change over time.

Some good hormones turn into bad ones or cause other symptoms not present before. Usually, a cream rubbed into the abdomen or back while dressing is the most consistent way to fix hormones. Some are done by injection or other methods.

We can help you to find the cause of your hormonal imbalances.

Hormone imbalances can affect many of your body’s functions. If you want your hormones checked or a consultation to discuss your particular case, contact the Maine Center for Functional Medicine at (207) 941-0080.